Jaw Pain or Headache? It Could Be TMJ Disorder
Are you experiencing headaches or jaw pain? You will be surprised to learn the root cause behind this condition, which is called TMJ disorder. Jaw joint dysfunction affects the joint that acts as a pivot, connecting the jawbone to the skull. When not functioning as it should, this joint creates many uncomfortable symptoms: headaches, facial pain, and jaw discomfort. In this case, you may need the correct treatment for TMJ by the orthodontist Dr. Brian LaBlonde. Before that, let us explore how TMJ disorders affect your life and how orthodontic treatment can be a game-changer in providing relief.
What to Know About TMJ Disorder?
The temporomandibular joint facilitates the movement of the jaw in both forward and backward directions, as well as laterally. TMJ disorder occurs- when the joint does not function properly. The result is soreness that radiates into the neck and shoulders, affecting the jaw and surrounding face area.
Common symptoms of TMJ disorder include:
- Headache or migraine
- Pain or tenderness in the jaw
- Clicking or grating sound as you are moving your jaw
- Difficulty in chewing or biting
- Ear discomfort and ringing in the ears
Any of these symptoms call for a visit to a health care provider, including a dentist or orthodontist, to be evaluated and potentially treated.
How TMJ Disorders Cause Headaches
Headaches are likely the most prevalent issue reported by individuals suffering from TMJ disorders. The pain from TMJ at times radiates to other areas within your face and head, and patients will be mainly experiencing tension-type headaches or even migraines. The misalignment stretches the inflamed muscles of your jaw and causes pain to spread to your temples along with the backside of your head. If left untreated, these headaches tend to become worse and more frequent over time, having a pretty severe effect on your lifestyle.
Orthodontic Therapy as TMJ Disorder Treatment Solution
The most efficient approach to treating TMJ is through orthodontic therapy. Here is how orthodontics can help TMJ disorder symptoms:
- Aligners and Braces: Teeth misalignment is the most common cause of TMJ disorders. Aligners or braces help straighten your teeth to reduce strain on your jaw joint, leading to less pain and discomfort.
- Bite correction: Orthodontists can correct the kind of malocclusion that might be causing you problems in your TMJ. Your bite modification helps get your jaw to work better and reduce strain on the joint.
- Preventive Care: There is always the opportunity to prevent TMJ disorders from developing or worsening, particularly when given to younger patients. Early orthodontic treatment helps control the alignment of teeth and avoids letting them get worse in a way that would cause pain and complications from TMJ.
Are you looking for a dentist who accepts Medicaid and ForwardHealth?
If TMJ in Highland Park is what you need, find an orthodontist who understands the complications of this condition and accepts Medicaid and Forwardhealth. Greenleaf Orthodontics offers orthodontic services for patients in Gurnee, North Chicago, Waukegan, Highland Park, Kenosha, and Racine. Our orthodontists can suggest an individualized TMJ therapy treatment to suit your condition. We are here to help with whether it is aligners or bite correction. We work with many insurance companies, including Medicaid and ForwardHealth, to ensure people get the care they need.
What Can Greenleaf Orthodontics Do For You?
Our specialized team will evaluate your symptoms and develop a customized treatment plan to address your requirements. Services also include the latest orthodontic treatments, such as aligners and braces, to help improve the way the jaw functions while eliminating the pain.
To schedule an appointment and visit our orthodontist Dr. Brian LaBlonde at Greenleaf Orthodontics, call (262) 758-6038. Take the first step to achieving a healthy, pain-free, brighter smile and a better quality of life.
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